Pub. 12 2013-2014 Issue 4

N e w J e r s e y C o a l i t i o n O f A u t o m o t i v e R e t a i l e r s 7 new jersey auto retailer w w w . n j c a r . o r g NADA Director’s MESSAGE | BY Marcy H. Maguire DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE  continued on page 9 NADA’s Service Provider Data Access Addendum Available for Download Earlier this year, NADA’s Legal and Regulatory Affairs Department issued a sample Service Provider Dealer Data Access Addendum for dealers to use with their third party service provider vendors. This follows a memo sent in August 2013 from NADA to all members that contained an overview of the primary regulatory issues surrounding dealer data, numerous practical tips for dealers to consider when protecting their data, as well as samples of the contract provisions required under federal law when a dealer wishes to allow access to dealer data with a third party service provider. The Addendum is now available to dealers as a Word document at www.nada. org/dealerdata. Enroll To Participate In The 2014NADADealershipWorkforce Study A major challenge facing new-car and -truck dealers is attracting and keeping talented employees. To assist dealers with this task, NADA offers the Dealership Workforce Study, now open for enrollment to NADA and ATD members. There is no cost to participate. Participating dealers will receive two complimentary reports designed to improve recruiting and hiring decisions: • 2014 Dealership Workforce Study Basic Report , a custom report that compares the individual dealership’s compensation for 60 job positions, employee benefits programs, hours of operation, work schedules, and retention and turnover to the aggregated data of other participating dealerships, both regionally and nationally; and • 2014 Dealership Workforce Study Industry Report , which provides an industry-wide analysis of the aggregated DWS data, in- cluding hiring and retention trends, demographics such as generational differences and the gender gap, compensation, tenure, employee benefits statistics, plus hours of operation and work schedules for all U.S. regions, as well as an economic overview of 2013 and a forecast for the future. Dealers can enroll as individual dealerships or dealer groups using a secure, web-based process that involves completing a sur- vey and uploading payroll data. Enrollment closes on April 30, 2014. Eligible dealers can enroll at www.nadaworkforcestudy. com. For more information, send an email to WorkforceStudy@ or call (800) 557-6232. NADA Defends In-Dealership Financing Despite an auto sales turnaround over the past year, new-car dealers still face major industry and regulatory challenges. In 2013, the industry faced a new threat to dealer-assisted financing and one of the industry’s core business models. NADA continues