Pub. 13 2014-2015 Issue 2
N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S I S S U E N O . 3 , 2 0 1 4 14 new jersey auto retailer A Look Inside NJ CAR…Legal and Regulatory Compliance Assistance Authoritative Advice You Can Count On is Just a Phone Call or E-mail Away! BY PATRICK COX, NJ CAR DIRECTOR OF LEGAL & REGULATORY AFFAIRS The old adage is that an ounce of prevention is wor th a pound of cure, and this is nowhere more true than in the area of legal and regulatory compliance, where one small miss-step (which could easily have been avoided) can lead to disastrous consequences if not corrected promptly. This is where NJ CAR offers its members an invaluable service: individualized advice and assistance avai lable by phone or email. This service helps NJ CAR members avoid legal traps and pitfalls by getting the information they need to avoid problems entirely, or to neutralize them before they turn into an expensive disaster. Helping our members navigate the morass of legal and regula- tory issues that besets the retail automotive industry is one of the primary reasons for NJ CAR’s existence. One of the Coali- tion’s prime missions is “to provide accurate and authoritative advice on statutory, regulatory and legislative matters affecting the interests of automotive retailers.” Maintaining daily avail- ability to NJ CAR members to answer questions and provide compliance assistance and business advice on all legal and regulatory topics affecting the retail automotive industry is the heart of this mission. NJ CAR assists members with legal and regulatory compliance in many ways, using a variety of different media. The NJ CAR NewsLetter has been looked upon as the definitive source for updates and advice for over nine decades. Major new issues or legal developments frequently prompt special bulletins and
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