Pub. 13 2014-2015 Issue 2
N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S I S S U E N O . 3 , 2 0 1 4 8 new jersey auto retailer DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE continued from page 7 Murphy and Adam Sanders of the Moss Adams Valuation Services Group, the Driven Management Guide explai ns the process of valuing car and tr uck dealerships in a variety of contexts— buy-sell transactions, estate and gift tax settings, ownership succession planning and shareholder buy-in or buy-out. The guide discusses the main standards of value as well as the primary appraisal organizations and the due diligence process for dealership valuation. It explains how to estimate cash f low and dealership value. Other topics addressed include special valuation considerations and the relevance of IRS Revenue Ru l i ng 59 - 60. The guide also offers strategies to maximize dealership value. The publication will help dealers understand this complex subject and enable them to assist professional appraisers in estimating dealership value. Sign in to and search BM15 to access the new guide. ThirdAnnualDealership WorkforceStudyDraws Significant Dealer Participation More than 2,000 dealerships enrolled in the 2014 NADA Dealership Workforce St udy, the third annual st udy of car and t r uck dea lersh ip compensat ion, r e t e n t i on a nd t u r nove r, hou r s o f operation, work schedules and employee benefits. Participants will soon receive a compl ime n t a r y Ba s i c Re po r t t ha t compares their individual dealership(s) to the regional and national industry, and a complimentar y Industry Report providing an overall economic analysis and trends with data for all nine regions of the U.S. Participants may purchase specialty reports, including the Enhanced Report, which provides state and brand compa r i son s. A l so ava i l able i s t he Compensation and Tenure Search Tool, offered as a bundle with the Enhanced Report for participants. With the Search Tool, users can find answers to ad hoc queries, including queries specific to their store or group. Users can search the entire Dealership Workforce Study database, which includes data from 930,000 payroll records and nearly 7,000 rooftops. The Search Tool and the Industry Report are offered as standalone products for non-participants. N A DA A c a d emy Expands Curriculum in 2015 NADA-ATD Academy has expanded its curriculum. The Dealer Candidate Academy (DCA) includes a mock 20 Group session so students can experience the benefits of the financial composite used in a non-competing peer setting. In the General Dealer Management (GDM) program, a 20 Group consultant takes students through a dealership visit, demonstrating the benef its of in-dealership consulting. All classes— DCA, GDM and ATD—visit NADA’s Capitol Hill of f ice for a legislative brief ing. Finally, NADA University Online is integrated into the six-week Academy program, with completion of online courses, Driven guides and webinars requisite to graduation. In 2015, DCA classes start January 5, February 9, May 11, September 28 and October 5. GDM classes start January 12, February 16, May 18, June 15, September 14 and October 19. ATD classes begin March 9, June 6 and September 21. The GDM session for January is already closed, and prospective students for the February class are on a waiting list. The DCA program has a waiting list for January. Also available is the Special Ops program, which allows dealership managers to attend any of the first five weeks of the Academy program, which cover f inancial management, par ts, service, pre-owned vehicles and new vehicles.
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