Pub. 14 2015-2016 Issue 1
N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S 13 new jersey auto retailer W W W . N J C A R . O R G categories: falls (22%); ergonomic (19%); and injuries by tools/ machinery (19%). With the implementation of a Zero Injury Program many of these type of injuries can be avoided and, over time, reductions in work-related injuries in the Service Depart- ment will result in a reduced experience mod and lower Workers’ Comp insurance premiums for the dealership. NJ CAR found that the average potential dealership premium savings, based upon an analysis of a group of dealerships and their implementation of a Zero Injury Program, could be as much as $44,400 per dealership (36% of total annual Workers’ Comp premiums.) Consider, also, the additional benefits that can result from a reduction in workplace injuries and less employee absenteeism: • Improved employee morale; • Improved customer satisfaction, since scheduled service will be performed timely; • Less juggling of employee hours and work schedules; and • Reduced administrative time spent on monitoring Workers’ Comp claims and employee absenteeism. How will the ZIP program be implemented/Why is it different? The Zero Injury Program provides an answer to the real need for an effective and systematic approach to eliminating workplace injuries and addressing certain risk management issues. By work- ing closely with members enrolled in itsWorkers’ Comp Program, the Coalition will help members achieve a quantifiable reduction in employee injuries, and help reduce costs for dealerships’ Work- ers’ Comp insurance. In addition to lower insurance premiums (through a lower experience modification factor), dealers may be eligible for a higher up front scheduled credit and the potential for an individual dealership dividend at policy year-end. What Does it Cost a Dealership to Implement the ZIP Program? The ZIP program is designed to assist dealers enrolled in NJ CAR Workers’ Comp Program and provided to participating dealerships at no cost. To learn more about NJ CAR’s Workers’ Comp Program and how the new ZIP Program can benefit your dealership, contact Charles Russo—NJ CAR’s Risk Manager & Safety Specialist. He can be reached by calling NJ CAR Headquarters: 609.883.5056, Ext. 314 or by emailing him at:
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