Pub. 15 2016-2017 Issue 4

I S S U E N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7 24 new jersey auto retailer WHAT DO NEW JERSEY’S ELECTED LEADERS HAVE TO SAY? 1. How they prefer to engage with their constituents. 2. What information is most persuasive in gaining their support for a particular position. 3. What factors are most influential when they are determining their position on an issue. Q1 : I would encourage all of my constituents to reach out tomy of- fice any time they have a question, concern or suggestion about the way the State can better serve our residents. I love to hear feedback because no one has a monopoly ongreat ideas andyounever know where the next great suggestion could come from. You can reach my district office via phone (856- 251-9801) or email (SenSweeney@ ), and we are finding it increasingly useful to use social media, for people who prefer to use Facebook or Twitter. Q2: The best thing a constituent can sharewithme is howa specific policyor regulation effects themin their daily life or in their business dealings. I truly value the personal stories and examples that our residents sharewithme because it drives home thepoint thatwhatwe do in the StateHouse is, at the end of the day, all about the people of New Jersey. Additionally, any relevant facts or statistics are always helpful. I believe the best decisions are fully informed decisions. Q3: The most important factor I measure when deciding my posi- tion on a particular issue is, how will it impact the hard working people of New Jersey, who go to work every day trying to put food on the table for their families and be the best possible citizens they can? As a representative of the people, and specifically as Senate President, my top priority is helping to enable our economy and our communities to growand benefit our residents. If a proposed lawor regulationwill improve the lives of New Jersey residents, I’ll domy best to support it; if it places an unnecessary burden on the people of our State, then I won’t. Q1: I always have staff ready and prepared in my office to help. Constituents can reach me by phone at (908) 232-2073, or by email at: I can also be reached at my office at 251 North Avenue West, 2nd Floor, Westfield, NJ 07090. Q2: Iwant to know their personal experience andwhat specifically troubles them. The story and facts are key to finding the best policy solutions. Q3: How does it affect the average person in New Jersey. Senator Stephen Sweeney (D-03) Senate President Assemblyman Jon Bramnick (R-21) Assembly Republican Leader Assemblyman Daniel Benson Senator Anthony Bucco Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez Assemblyman Paul D. Moriarty N J CAR approached more than a dozen of our State Senators and Assemblypeople and posed the same three questions regarding political engagement with their constituents. What follows are their answers regarding: Assemblyman John McKeon Senator Robert Gordon Senator Steven Oroho