Pub. 15 2016-2017 Issue 4

N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S I S S U E N O . 1 , 2 0 1 7 26 new jersey auto retailer Assemblyman Daniel Benson (D-14) Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore Q1: Constituents can contact me through multiple outlets, whether it is by phone call, email, writing a letter, or an in-person visit to my district office in Hamilton. Some even reachme on social media. It is impor- tant that all constituents contact my office whether they are in support of or opposed to any legislation, or simplywant to discuss a particular issue with me. While there is no right orwrongway todo this, contacting me via email best allows the constituents to write out all of their concerns and include any information they want me to know. This also gives my office the opportunity to provide the constituents a more detailed response to their concerns. Sometimes it is beneficial for a business to contact me througha business or trade groupor organi- zations suchasNJCARthat represent their interestsmore generally.However, business owners can also contact me directly with specific concerns. Q2: It’s important, when hearing frommy constituents, that they identify themselves as a constituent and provide as much con- tact information as possible, like a mailing address or at least the town in which they live or work. Also, if they are addressing a piece of legislation, they should reference the name of the bill or the number. Finally, it’s important for them to tell us whether or not they support or if they are seeking changes. Thosewhocontact their legislators on an issue are typically passionate about their opinion, so simply hearing fromthem in any capacity is a persuasive tool. Specifi- cally, I amalways interested inhearing from constituents who have a personal stake in the issue or who are familiar with the topic. It is very useful for me to have as many diverseopinions as possible so that I person- ally have a greater knowledge of the issue. Q3: The first factor I usually considerwhen taking a position on any particular issue is how it directly affects my district. Because I am an elected official of the 14th Legisla- tiveDistrict, specifically, it is important that I make sure that I am responding to my constituent’s wants and needs. However, I also feel it is important to look beyond my district as often as possible to see howNew Jersey may be affected as a whole by some issues. Another factor I often consider is how an issue was handled in other states. If the issue is not unique to New Jersey, it can be useful to research if other states have addressed it through legislation or other means, and if they have had success with implementation and how successful those efforts have been. Senator Anthony Bucco (R-25) Republican Budget Officer Q1: I welcome my constituents to con- tact me through whatever means is most convenient for them. Constituents can call, fax, email or visit my district office for assistance. My office is open Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm. I have staff at the office during these hours who answer phones and regularly check faxes and emails coming intomy office.My staff also assists any visitors to the office who walk-in for help with an issue. Q2: Providing accurate information is key to gaining my support. I have many constituents whomeet withme or contact my office and provide me with informa- tion and an accurate summary of their problem. This greatly enables me to sup- port and help them resolve their matter. Q3: There are many factors that can inf luence a legislator’s position on a particular issue. For me, I always evalu- ate an issue based on my core beliefs and values before taking a position. I also listen to and evaluate the opinions of my constituents and welcome their feedback on matters of interest and concern to them. I will often use their viewpoint, in addition to my beliefs, to make decisions that are best for my district and best for the State of New Jersey. Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez (D-05) Q1: The most expedient way to reach me is by reaching out to my district office either by phone or by email. My staff is equipped to bring matters to my attention immediately. If it is some- thing that can be handled by the staff, they will get to work right away to assist individuals quickly and efficiently. Q2: The best information a constituent can give me is to share their experiences with the matter. I rely on understanding issues from the individuals who are af- fected by them.