Pub. 15 2016-2017 Issue 4
N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S 27 new jersey auto retailer W W W . N J C A R . O R G Q3: I prefer to learn all the sides of an issue before making a decision. Most influential tome is a shared experience that will impact the community as a whole. Senator Robert Gordon (D-38) Majority Conference Leader Q1: I prefer tobe contactedby email or letter. That way we can keep track, not only of the person, but of the issue. It is much easier for my staff to address detailed concerns if they come to us in writing. If there is a great deal of constituent outreach regarding an issue, I know I need to act. Q2: What I find most persuasive is when a constituent relays to me how the issue has impacted them personally. For example, I was contacted by a veteran who was called into active duty to serve at the World Trade Center site in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. As a result of his service, he became permanently disabled; however, he was ineligible for the combat-wounded property tax exemption. I sponsored a bill to expand eligibility to include the veterans who gave selflessly on 9/11. Q3: I am drawn to issues where there is bias or a barrier at play. I feel compelled to intervene if an issue is unconstitutional, discriminatory, or blatantly unfair. In the words of Robert Kennedy, “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” Assemblyman John McKeon (D-27) Q1: I have no particular preference for how my constituents contact me. The method is not important. What is im- portant is that my constituents know that they can always reach out to me whenever and however they want to. Whether it is walking up to me in person at the grocery store, calling my office at 973-377-1606, emailing me at, or sending me a letter in the mail- I take great pride in responding to all of my constituents as promptly as I can. Q2: Feel free to tell me how your certain issue is going to specifically impact you. It is critical that I hear the opinions of the people I represent because having the benefit of this knowledge allows me to be more well-informed on any given issue. When residents are actively involved in the actions of their govern- ment, what you see tends to be better results for more people. Q3: There is not one thing that is most inf luential. As a legislator, it is important to do your due diligence and research every side of an issue before you decide which way to go. I tend to ask myself what position is in line with what is best for the future of New Jersey. Lawmakers at every level have a duty to think thoughtfully about how our actions will shape the state going forward. Assemblyman Paul D. Moriarty (D-04) Assembly Consumer Affairs Committee Chairman Q1: Constituents can contact me in whichever manner is most convenient for them, but phone or email is likely to get the quickest reply. Q2: The most persuasive arguments occur when a constituent is prepared to fairly and accurately present both sides of an issue… and then make a cohesive, fact-based argument as to why their viewpoint is more valid. Q3: When dealing with business- related issues, I am always mindful of the importance of jobs and the eco- nomic benefits to our State and local communities. We must do all we can to provide a friendly environment for vital economic activity. Additionally, I am always looking to make sure that business issues are resolved in a way that affords fairness and equity to New Jersey consumers.
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