Pub. 15 2016-2017 Issue 4
N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S 29 new jersey auto retailer W W W . N J C A R . O R G Q3: As a legislator, I am always look- ing for ways that we can do better. We need to make sure that our students are prepared for a 21st Century economy, and that everyone has an opportunity to get ahead. We also want to make sure that businesses are operating in a climate that allows them to thrive. Any productive policies that we can put in place to help advance those efforts, while protecting the health, safety and welfare of our residents, will have my backing. I am always open to ideas from constituents, and welcome suggestions to my district office at Assemblyman David P. Rible (R-30) Q1: Ifindthatveryfewofmyconstituents— especially business owners—actually realize they can contact me for assistance. As such, Iwould encourage constituents to use any means at their disposal, including e-mail, phone calls and social media, to contact me. However, I think the most effective and efficient way is for someone to call me and tell me how I can be helpful. I respond to e-mails and social media messages, but callingme directly is the best way to ensure that that an issue is brought to my attention and helps me address an issue promptly. Q2: The most effective way to express a view on an issue is to explain someone’s personal experiencewith that issue. Hear- ing from someone who has been directly impacted is one of the most effective ways to demonstrate the significance of a par- ticular issue. In addition, providing data that supports a claim is also very persua- sive and helps guide my decision-making process.At the same time, it is alsovaluable when someone considers all sides of an issue, including the potential opposition to any proposal. Q3: Making our Statemore affordable for citizens andbusinesses ismy toppriorityas a legislator. As such, the economic impact of any proposal usually plays a large role on my position on any issue. Moreover, whenany issue comes beforeme, I consider how it affects the majority of the citizens I represent and its impact on the entire State. Senator Paul Sarlo (D-36) Deputy Majority Leader Assembly Republican Budget Officer Q1: For business constituents, who often have specific and complex is- sues, contacting my office via email at is always best. Email enables my staff and me to read all of the details regarding an issue and review supporting documents that can be attached. Q2: Being contacted by businesses in my district heightens my interest in an issue. Businesses in my district are important to our communities be- cause of the jobs they provide, the tax revenue they generate, and the goods and services they make available to consumers. In general, when I am contacted by the business community, I tend to be most interested in issues related to job creation and investment in our economy. I’m also very inter- ested in having businesses comment about how State and local government can assist them in job creation and economic development. Q3: I am also interested in examples where certain regulations or require- ments might not be appropriate for certain businesses. We can’t always take a one size fits all approach to regulation particularly with small, family-owned businesses. Senator Robert W. Singer (R-30) Republican Conference Leader Assembly Republican Budget Officer Q1: My office is always available to listen to the concerns of our con- stituents. We can be reached by phone, email, mail or social media. For most concerns, email allows for efficient interaction. People should include their name, address and phone number with their messages. Q2: We are always looking for insights into legislative proposals that allow us to understand an issue from as many
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