Pub. 16 2017-2018 Issue 2

N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S I S S U E N O . 3 , 2 0 1 7 14 new jersey auto retailer G rowing up, Kim Guadagno lived in over a dozen different places before she went to college. With a father working in sales, Kim’s dad moved her family across the country whenever he was laid off or got a better job to provide for his wife and five kids. “I couldn’t tell you the name of my elementary school or even my teachers growing up,” said Kim Guadagno. “Moving around the country and changing schools each time wasn’t easy, but I think it made me tough from a young age.” So, when she met her husband, Mike, who grew up in New Jersey, she decided her kids would not have the same experience she had as a kid. She knew she wanted to make New Jersey her home permanently because it was an affordable place to live, work and raise a family. However, in recent years, the Garden State has become anything but affordable. It has the highest property taxes in the country, and although the unemployment rate is below the national average, it has the highest foreclosure rate in the country and families are moving in droves to lower tax states like North Carolina, Penn- sylvania and Delaware. Kim is now running for governor with a singular goal in mind: making New Jersey more affordable for middle class families. For Kim, it is a personal mission. “Because of my childhood, I know what it’s like to have to move around the country to find opportunities,” said Kim Guadagno. “When I’m at events, people whisper in my ear, ‘I’m thinking of moving to another state because I can’t afford it anymore!’ It truly breaks my heart, because people want to stay here if it was just more affordable.” A cornerstone of Guadagno’s platform is to conduct a full-scale audit of State government operations to ensure it is focused on reducing spending, promoting accountability and being responsible stewards of our tax dollars. Savings accrued by the initiative will be given back to taxpayers in the form of property tax relief. “If I’m elected governor, I will declare a war on waste in Tren- ton and audit every aspect of State government so people can have faith in their government again,” said Kim Guadagno. “Governor Tom Kean did it in 1983 and identified $100 million in savings, and recently other states have saved billions through similar audits. It’s about time we did it again in New Jersey.” Kim Guadagno– Republican Candidate For Governor Make New Jersey More Affordable