Pub. 16 2017-2018 Issue 3
ZERO INJURY Program NJ CAR’s Produces Meaningful Results For Participating Dealerships The goal of ZIP is to help dealerships reduce their potential losses, resulting in a lower experience mod, higher scheduled credit, and the potential for a dividend at policy year- end for dealerships participating in the NJ CAR Workers’ Comp Program. ZIP has produced REAL results for participating dealers: • Three dealerships had “0” claims in 2016. • 80% of participating dealerships had loss ratios under 20%. • 70% had loss ratios under 10%, and the overall loss ratio for all participating dealerships was less than 25%. • Medical and indemnity claim costs for participating dealerships, were three times less, compared to dealerships with no formal safety program in place. • All ZIP participants received a dividend in Fall 2017 Reductions in workplace injuries can be achieved! A formal safety program will increase productivity and significantly reduce and control the costs associated with employee injuries in your dealership. For more information about the NJ CAR Workers’ Compensation Program and its Zero Injury Program (ZIP), contact Charles Russo, NJ CAR’s Risk Manager & Safety Specialist, at 609.883.5056, Ext. 314, or send an email to
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