Pub. 17 2018-2019 Issue 3

N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S I S S U E N O . 4 , 2 0 1 8 12 new jersey auto retailer NJ CAR’s Zero Injury Protection (ZIP) Program Is NOT Your Typical Walk-Through BY CHARLES RUSSO, RISK MANAGER & SAFETY SPECIALIST NJ CAR’s Zero Injury Protection Program (ZIP) is provided “free” to all participating dealerships in NJ CAR’s Workers’ Compensation Program. This is not an annual ‘walk through’ with a check list. Coalition staff works with participating dealerships on an ongoing basis through- out the year to address any hazards that can lead to injuries and ultimately eliminate injury risks commonly found in an auto dealership. Participating dealerships that utilize the ZIP program typically reduce their loss experience, resulting in a lower Experience Modification factor, lower premiums and a greater chance of earning a dividend. Dealerships participating in the NJ CAR Workers’ Compensa- tion Program have experienced a total savings of more than $3 million over the past several years. More than 50% of partici- pating dealerships have received dividend checks, totaling nearly $500,000 in 2018 ALONE and, it’s worth noting, the dividend is NOT a credit against the renewal policy, but an actual check that impacts the dealership’s bottom line. NJ CAR’s Program is a very competitive program that com- bines easy claim reporting, customer service, ongoing support, and a dedicated claims staff to successfully manage and resolve employee injuries. There are also financial benefits participating dealers enjoy, such as: • Scheduled credits of up to 25% based on your dealership’s individual loss experience. Credits are applied up-front. • Proprietary employee classifications based on certain job responsibilities/descriptions that can save dealerships an additional 15-20%. • NEW FOR 2018 – Dealerships can now earn up to a 25% dividend in the form of a check not a credit against the renewal policy. Every dealership wants a healthy and productive workforce and wants to prevent accidents that can result in an employee or customer injury. The NJ CAR Workers’ Compensation Program is not just an insurance product. It is a collaborative and ongoing commitment to a formal employee safety system. NJ CAR Members, Coalition staff, and our insurance part- ners work together to not only keep everyone safe, but also boost the dealership’s bottom line by reducing their workers compensation premiums. Let NJ CAR provide an apples-to-apples comparison for your dealership, BEFORE your policy renews. If you are currently working with a Broker, the NJ CAR Program is ‘broker-friend- ly’ and welcomes other Brokers to participate. Charles Russo, NJ CAR’s Risk Manager & Safety Specialist, can be reached at 609.883.5056, x 314 or via email at .