Pub. 17 2018-2019 Issue 3

N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S I S S U E N O . 4 , 2 0 1 8 14 new jersey auto retailer and procedures for processing titles and registrations. While the course has been designed primarily for Title Clerks, the Program is extremely valuable to Office Man- agers, Controllers, and anyone else who provides support or back up to the Title Clerk position. Topics covered include: New Jersey identification information; general title procedures; lien information and select title transac- tions; corrections and centrally-processed transactions; Power of Attorney forms; odometer disclosure; registra- tions; special plates; dealer temporary tags; preparation of documents; New Jersey Sales & Use Tax; business license services and New Jersey motor vehicle fees. The NJ CAR Academy’s Training and Education Program is further enhanced by AFIP training and certification, BDC sales training, Salesperson training and Hazmat training and certification. In addition, the Coalition has relaunched its Management Employee Training and Certification Program using an accelerated format that only requires dealership management employees to be out of the dealership for one day. In addition, periodic webinars and seminars are offered on various topics as-needed. As the maze of laws and regulations that govern business operations in New Jersey continue to grow at an alarming pace, it is important to have a resource on hand to answers questions quickly. In order to offer dealer principals and their employees a reliable resource, Coalition staff has pro- duced a series of Management Training Guides (70-200 pages each) , which are updated on an as-needed basis. The most recent guides, published in 2017, include the following: Volume 1: The New Jersey Sales & Use Tax Guide Volume 2: Consumer Protection & Fair Credit Compliance Volume 3: Federal Finance Regulations Volume 4: Wage & Hour Employment Compliance By providing a strong education and training program, the Coalition can help keep State regulators and additional regulations at bay – based upon the premise that an industry that polices itself through training and education, doesn’t need to be over-regulated by the State. Every single one of the 38,000 dealership employees in New Jersey can benefit from the Coalition’s training and educa- tion programs. Dealers should take comfort knowing that the NJ CAR Academy stands ready to provide their employ- ees with timely training on a wide variety of topics. For the latest NJ CAR Academy schedule, please visit the Coalition’s website ( ) and click on the NJCARAcademy page under the Education drop-down menu. Robert May can be reached at 609.883.5056, x313 or via email at TOP QUALITY  continued from page 13