Pub. 17 2018-2019 Issue 3

N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S 21 new jersey auto retailer W W W . N J C A R . O R G The Coalition continually works to develop its existing communication tools, and to expand and modify its communication efforts to better serve NJ CAR dealer members and their employees. • Grassroots Communications – NJ CAR recently launched a new online Grassroots platform (One Click Politics) that makes it easy for dealers and their employees to engage with their elect- ed officials about issues important to the industry. NJ CAR also produces several informa- tive documents each year including its Economic Impact Survey, Health Benefits Survey, and Dealer Concerns Survey. In addition, NJ CAR Communications also assists with various letters, market- ing materials, PowerPoint presentations, publications and editorial items through- out the year and supports more strategic communication efforts, such as issue research, drafting testimony, and various messaging to legislative, media and public audiences. The Coalition continually works to develop its existing communication tools, and to expand and modify its communication efforts to better serve NJ CAR dealer members and their employees. To that end, the Coalition recently partnered with a well-re- spected public relations firm that will work with NJ CAR to formulate and roll out a proactive communications campaign in 2019 that highlights the value of the franchise system and dealer contributions to the economic well-being of their communities. NJ CAR can produce all sorts of infor- mative content, but dealers and their employees play a critical role in any successful communications effort. They need to take a few seconds to read the communications (or at least skim them) to make sure they are aware of training, new Coalition programs, legislative or regulatory developments, breaking news or any other issue that could potentially impact the franchised automotive retail industry in New Jersey. Brian Hughes is NJ CAR’s Director of Communica- tions and can be reached at 609.883.5056, x 315 or via email at . V O Y N OW B A Y A R D W H Y T E A N D C OM PA N Y , L L P C E R T I F I E D P U B L I C A C C O U N T A N T S V O Y N OW B A Y A R D W H Y T E A N D C OM PA N Y , L L P C E R T I F I E D P U B L I C A C C O U N T A N T S The Northbrook Corporate Center • 1210 Northbrook Dr., Suite 140, Trevose PA 19053 Contact Hugh Whyte, Randall E. Franzen or Kenneth Mann: Financial Reporting & Projections/Forecasts Lifo Inventory Applications n Tax & Estate Planning Cash Management & Budgeting n Performance Evaluation Cost Analysis n Buy/Sell Agreements & Succession Planning Mergers & Acquisition s n Internal Control Design 215-355-8000 n Accountants & Management Advisors to the Auto Industry since 1954 O B A A R D W E OM PA N Y , L L I I E T A , o e n E. r or e n t n: j ti / t t t l i l ti i l i t l i 0 n co