July 8, 2024

Every Dealership Should Be a Member Of NJ Carpool

New Jersey’s 500+ dealerships are critical to hundreds of municipalities in ALL 20 counties and ALL 40 legislative districts. They represent a $43 billion industry, directly employing 37,500 individuals and supporting another 35,250 jobs while contributing millions of dollars to hundreds of charities.

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NJ CAR Recognizes Dealerships That Have Contributed to CAR-PAC

NJ CAR appreciates the support of the 300+ dealers who contributed to CAR-PAC, the Coalition’s political action committee, between January 1, 2024, and March 31, 2024. CAR-PAC needs the contributions of ALL dealers to ensure it has the necessary financial resources to support candidates (on both sides of the aisle) who support the franchised retail automotive industry in New Jersey and ensure the dealers’ voices are heard in Trenton on a wide variety of important public policy issues. CAR-PAC has been (and will continue to be) very active in supporting the candidates who support our industry.

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Thank You to Those Who Contributed to NADA PAC

NADA PAC helps to elect qualified individuals to Congress who understand the needs of new car and truck dealers. NADA PAC is consistently credited as being one of the nation’s top trade association political action committees in terms of both total fundraising and contributions to federal candidates. NADA PAC supports candidates for Congress on a bipartisan basis from the recommendations of the NADA PAC dealer leadership for each state.

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How to Prepare Your Dealership for a Sales Tax Audit

After a brief reprieve due to the pandemic, state and local tax audits are back in full force, with automotive dealerships being a top target. While nobody enjoys getting the dreaded letter from a state revenue department, there are things dealerships can do to prepare and bolster their documentation, tax reporting, and remittance procedures for state tax auditors should they come knocking. The following are four key audit areas automotive dealership leaders should focus on to improve their tax and financial documentation.

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