Senator Shirley Turner 15th Legislative District
What inspired you to run for office and become a legislator?
I felt that we needed more diverse representation in the New Jersey Legislature in terms of giving a voice to women and minorities and working to level the playing field for the underserved.
What is your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment as a legislator? If you could change one thing in Trenton, what would it be?
I was the first state Senator in the country to pass a law requiring that the work performed by State contractors and subcontractors be performed in the United States. I did this after learning that a call center that the State of New Jersey contracted with for answering questions about food stamps had moved its call center to India. After I introduced my bill, legislation was introduced by other legislators in 21 states. The call center reopened in Camden, New Jersey, which resulted in individuals from our state’s most impoverished city receiving jobs.
My greatest disappointment is that the legislative process is so challenging. Very valid legislation can be difficult to pass, such as my bill, which I have sponsored for 22 years to fix New Jersey’s broken property tax system by making New Jersey less reliant on property taxes to pay for education and government services and provide a fairer method and more progressive revenue source to pay those expenses. Changing New Jersey’s status as the highest property tax state in the nation would improve affordability in our state, attract more businesses, and improve our economy and education for all children.
I would change the way campaigns are financed to help reduce the influence of money in politics.
What are the legislative priorities, issues, or areas of concern on which you would like to focus your attention?
There are many priorities, but the most pressing issue at the moment is the COVID learning loss, job loss, and earnings loss for businesses and families. I am afraid these will have long-term repercussions on our students and workforce and the learning loss will impact the earnings potential of students who may be struggling to catch up and place them at greater risk of dropping out of school.
Coming out of the pandemic, what are the lessons you’ve learned and how do you think those lessons should guide public policymakers going forward?
Our country needs to become independent in terms of providing our basic needs. The number of companies that have moved their manufacturing overseas has placed us at the mercy of foreign countries when we need supplies and other items. We need to prioritize manufacturing in the United States and that goal should guide our policies at both the federal and state levels.
What was the make and model of the vehicle in which you learned how to drive? Also, what was the first (new or used) vehicle you owned?
My father taught me to drive in a Lincoln, and the first vehicle I owned was a Dodge.
Senator Turner’s Bio:
Democrat representing Legislative District 15
Counties: Hunterdon and Mercer
Municipalities: East Amwell, Ewing, Hopewell Borough (Mercer), Hopewell Township (Mercer), Lambertville, Lawrence (Mercer), Pennington, Trenton, West Amwell, West Windsor
- B.S. Trenton State College (Education)
- M.A. Rider College (Guidance and Counseling)
- Rutgers University (Postgraduate Studies/Education)
Public or Party Service:
- Mercer County Board of Freeholders (1983-86), Vice President (1986)
- Township of Lawrence Zoning Board (1979-83)
- Mercer County Improvement Authority (1979-81)
- N.J. State Council on the Arts (1977-81)
Legislative Service:
- Senate (1998-present)
- President Pro Tempore (2004-09)
- Democratic President Pro Tempore (2002-03)
- General Assembly (1994-98)
- Associate Minority Leader (1996-98)
- Education, Vice-Chair
- Joint Committee on Economic Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity
- Economic Growth State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation

Assemblywoman Kim Eulner 11th Legislative District
What inspired you to run for office and become a legislator?
Having served as a Shrewsbury Borough Councilwoman for 4 years, I felt I had a good foundation of public service to run for Assembly. Through the years, I would complain about the direction the state was headed, and finally decided I needed to put my “money where my mouth is” and run. I’m thrilled to have won in November to represent the people of Legislative District 11 and Monmouth County. Also, there’s a decided lack of “regular” people in the legislature, and too often people’s everyday concerns are brushed aside for more out-of-touch policy options.
What is your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment as a legislator? If you could change one thing in Trenton, what would it be?
Since I have been in office a few months, I consider winning the tough election in November to be my greatest achievement. I will expand my list of achievements as I participate in more committee meetings, voting sessions, and meeting more of my Legislative District 11 constituents.
My current goal is to help those facing challenges relating to unemployment, New Jersey’s exorbitant cost of living, and improve our educational system.
My greatest disappointment so far is that Democrats and Republicans have a long way to go to learn how to work across the aisle. We need to regain focus on what is good for the citizens of New Jersey and remember there is more that unites us than divides us.
What are the legislative priorities, issues or areas of concern on which you would like to focus your attention?
School funding, protecting our police, the overall high tax rate, and extensive overspending, to name a few.
Many schools in my district have lost funding over the last several years, which puts additional burdens on parents and our communities via school referendums for facility upgrades, paying more for after-school activities, and dealing with a lack of available resources to address the mental health crisis our children are facing. We have also experienced a higher rate of teacher retirements and less college graduates entering the field. We need to make it easier for those interested in teaching to get into the classroom.
Ensuring our police are respected, kept safe, and properly funded is another priority. Prisoners should no longer be released from prison due to COVID rates. Making sure our communities are safe and secure is a huge concern to our residents, and they spoke loudly and clearly in the last election.
Finally, the governor has increased the state’s budget by over $12 billion in the past five years. It’s time to give the taxpayers and business owners in our state a break.
Coming out of the pandemic, what are the lessons you’ve learned and how do you think those lessons should guide public policymakers going forward?
Unfortunately, the pandemic has shown how divided our communities and state can be, but also that we have it within ourselves to come together for the common good.
More specifically, I am hopeful everyone realizes that children need to be in school, parents need to be able to decide what is best for their children and that our front-line workers deserve our respect and support.
What was the make and model of the vehicle in which you learned how to drive? Also, what was the first (new or used) vehicle you owned?
I learned how to drive in my grandmother’s Red VW Beetle (not sure of the year, but it was from the 1970s) with a stick shift. The first car I owned was a Red 1989 VW Fox, also a stick shift.
Assemblywoman Eulner’s Bio:
Republican representing Legislative District 11
Counties: Monmouth
Municipalities: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Colts Neck, Deal, Eatontown, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Long Branch, Neptune, Neptune Township, Ocean Township (Monmouth), Red Bank, Shrewsbury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Tinton Falls, West Long Branch
- B.A. Washington College (Sociology)
- Data Provider
Public or Party Service:
- Borough of Shrewsbury Council 2018-22
Legislative Service:
- General Assembly 2022-present
- Financial Institutions and Insurance
- Human Services
- Oversight, Reform and Federal Relations

Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove 9th Legislative District
What inspired you to run for office and become a legislator?
I had the privilege of teaching high school history and civics for more than 30 years. This only increased my level of respect for our form of government. When teaching, I instilled the compelling need for my students and all Americans to engage in the public policy-making process.
Therefore, it was a natural fit for me to serve in public office so as to be in a more effective position to help my community.
What is your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment as a legislator? If you could change one thing in Trenton, what would it be?
My greatest achievement in public office is continuing to provide the highest level of constituency services to those I have the honor of representing. The pandemic only amplified the public’s need for help navigating the state bureaucracy to gain access to the services they need. My greatest disappointment as a legislator is seeing the continuation of misguided policies emanating from Trenton that are hostile to business, create harmful discrepancies in school funding, and provide woefully insufficient property tax relief, all of which have exacerbated the state’s unaffordability crisis.
What are the legislative priorities, issues or areas of concern on which you would like to focus your attention?
Constituent services remain my highest priority, as these efforts can directly improve the lives of my constituents. Reducing taxes remains an issue of the highest level for my constituents, many of whom are reaching their financial breaking point. To that end, I have supported tax reductions while, correspondingly, rejected increased government spending and borrowing.
Coming out of the pandemic, what are the lessons you’ve learned and how do you think those lessons should guide public policy makers going forward?
The most important lesson that I learned coming out of the pandemic is that people justifiably want a greater say in state policies, especially those implemented through the Governor’s emergency powers. To the detriment of the people, the State Legislature was not afforded the opportunity to provide sufficient input, on behalf of their constituents, regarding sweeping emergency directives issued unilaterally by the Governor. This process must change, and I have proudly co-sponsored legislation to modify state law to give the people, through their legislative representatives, a greater voice.
What was the make and model of the vehicle in which you learned how to drive? Also, what was the first (new or used) vehicle you owned?
I drove an Oldsmobile to learn how to drive. My first car was a used 1962 Black Valiant.
Assemblywoman Gove’s Bio:
Republican representing Legislative District 9
Counties: Atlantic, Burlington and Ocean
Municipalities: Barnegat, Barnegat Light, Bass River, Beach Haven, Beachwood, Berkeley, Eagleswood, Galloway, Harvey Cedars, Lacey, Little Egg Harbor, Long Beach, Ocean Gate, Ocean Township (Ocean), Pine Beach, Port Republic, Seaside Park, Ship Bottom, South Toms River, Stafford, Surf City, Tabernacle, Tuckerton, Washington (Burlington)
B.A. Cabrini College (Social Science)
M.A. Monmouth University (Social Science)
Public or Party Service:
Long Beach Township Commissioner 2008-09; 2003-04; 1984-88;
Mayor 2004-08
Ocean County Advisory Commission on the Status of Women 1986-98
Legislative Service:
General Assembly 2009-present
Policy Co-Chair 2014-present
Higher Education
Military and Veterans’ Affairs
Aging and Senior Services

Assemblywoman Michele Matsikoudis 21st Legislative District
What inspired you to run for office and become a legislator?
I have always been drawn to helping others and to public service. Offering a helping hand is not limited to being an elected official, and much of my life before politics came in the form of community involvement. I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer with many community organizations involving our senior population, veterans, and the special needs communities. I serve currently as a Board Member for Robbie’s World Foundation for the Autistic and the New Jersey Veterans Network and was the PTA President at both the Middle and High Schools in my hometown.
I knew that running and holding an elected office would offer me a new and exciting challenge to be a servant-leader in our community. When I was a Councilwoman in New Providence, we had a motto: “Do it because it is good for New Providence,” and I have taken that same mindset and applied it to our District in my current capacity as an Assemblywoman.
What is your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment as a legislator? If you could change one thing in Trenton, what would it be?
I am excited for future opportunities in my capacity as a Legislator. I am proud to be the primary sponsor of a piece of legislation called “Emma’s Law.” Emma’s Law requires school buses that transport students with special needs to be equipped with certain safety features such as closed-circuit cameras, and GPS that provides information about the location and speed of the special transport buses in real time in hopes of providing transparency. This bill was introduced last session by then-Assemblyman Jon Bramnick and is based on the real-life experiences of a special needs child from Cranford. It would be a great accomplishment to have this bill pass the Legislature in a bipartisan fashion.
As a new Legislator, I do not believe I have faced any significant disappointments yet, fully recognizing that disappointments are a part of life. How I respond and react to a disappointment is more of the question. As a glass-half-full individual, I can only control my reaction to a disappointment, reflect on the things I can change for a better outcome the next time, and refocus my efforts on the next challenge or initiative I am working on.
What are the legislative priorities, issues or areas of concern on which you would like to focus your attention?
I have the privilege of viewing some of the state’s most pressing issues with a fresh set of eyes and producing common sense and pragmatic solutions to address these concerns. As a representative, I consider myself to be pro-business and pro-taxpayer. From a pro-business perspective, my goal is to help make New Jersey a state where businesses of all sizes can succeed. The state should be doing more to incentivize and attract new business into the state and helping to provide business relief by cutting burdensome regulations so companies can afford to stay. Additionally, I am concerned about the growing staffing crisis that seems to be impacting almost every industry. There are different ways to address staffing shortages, but I do not believe in just throwing money at the issues, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. We must be willing to focus on the root causes of staffing shortages and consider each approach on a case-by-case and industry-by-industry basis.
From a pro-taxpayer mindset, we must also address the affordability crisis of the state. In the current climate, we see too often that older residents can no longer afford to stay in the state; that our young people cannot afford to start their lives here and are eager to move while taking their industry talents with them; and that property taxes are becoming increasingly burdensome. I am looking forward to taking on these issues, among many others, while in Trenton.
Coming out of the pandemic, what are the lessons you’ve learned and how do you think those lessons should guide public policy makers going forward?
When I think of post-pandemic life, two things come to mind: the impacts on New Jersey business, and the impacts to our school-aged children. I believe in both regards, we are just beginning to see how broad shutdowns and missed classroom time have impacted residents of our state. I have seen colleagues learn firsthand that there is a fine balance between saving lives and saving livelihoods, and the two do not have to be mutually exclusive. We must make decisions that are good for the publics’ health, but that also do not impact residents’ sources of income, businesses, or mental and emotional stability. Policymakers must always consider the unintended consequences of their decisions. The silver lining of the past two years has been that our state has seen what worked and what did not work in response to the situation we faced – and we are better prepared for our future challenges better than before.
What was the make and model of the vehicle in which you learned how to drive? Also, what was the first (new or used) vehicle you owned?
My father loved American cars – so much so that there was a time that our family was only allowed to have a car if it was a Buick. He believed the American automotive appeal and performance were unlike any other. When I reached driving age, the family car was a maroon Buick Skylark. I vividly remember driving around the streets of Bayonne thinking I would be the talk of the town. When I was old enough for a car of my own, I stayed in the Buick family and drove the one that my grandfather did.
Assemblywoman Matsikoudis’ Bio:
Republican representing Legislative District 21
Counties: Union
Municipalities: Berkeley Heights, Bernards, Chatham Borough, Cranford, Far Hills, Garwood, Kenilworth, Long Hill, Mountainside, New Providence, Roselle Park, Springfield (Union), Summit, Warren, Watchung, Westfield
B.A. Rosemont College (Political Science/Business)
Director of Business Development, Keller Williams – Sue Adler Team
Public or Party Service:
Borough of New Providence Council 2019-21
Legislative Service:
General Assembly 2022-present
Community Development and Affairs
Aging and Senior Services
Joint Committee on the Public Schools

Assemblywoman Carol Murphy 7th Legislative District
What inspired you to run for office and become a legislator?
My father was a U.S. Army Bronze Star Master Sergeant who dedicated his life to public service. He instilled in me that same dedication to public service in various ways. I set many small goals that led me to accomplish bigger goals. Unfortunately, I did not know what that ultimate goal was until I served as a staffer for a legislator many years later. After working in law for 18 years and government for 17 years, going back to school, along with a few part-time jobs, all of that led me to run for office.
I am now serving in a career I did not know I wanted until I won in 2017 and it felt right. The words of George Burns apply to me “If you are in love with your job, you never work a day in your life.”
What is your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment as a legislator? If you could change one thing in Trenton, what would it be?
My greatest achievement as a legislator is when a constituent or colleague or friend says thank you for helping me. I thrived on knowing that people depend on me, knowing they can call me on the phone and say, “I need your help” and know I will do my best to make a difference. A simple THANK YOU is the biggest accomplishment.
My biggest disappointment has not happened yet. But if I had to name one thing it would be the lack of trust under the golden dome. We need to come together to get the work of the people done. We need to work together, talk together and need to make decisions together in the best interests of New Jerseyans as we did though COVID. We should debate with passion, not in anger or just to be adversarial. Working together with a common goal should come with civility.
Change I would like to see not only in Trenton but also in general is a greater respect for humanity, respect for our peers and less anger.
What are the legislative priorities, issues or areas of concern on which you would like to focus your attention?
Legislative priorities for this session area:
- Affordability for residents to live, work and play in New Jersey
- Affordability for our businesses to prosper and grow
- Retention of jobs/workforce
- Infrastructure – Technology, Transportation, and Roads
- Veterans, animal protections and children.
- Mental and physical healthcare and childcare
- Human Trafficking issues
- Cybersecurity issues and safety for families, businesses, schools etc.
Coming out of the pandemic, what are the lessons you’ve learned and how do you think those lessons should guide public policy makers going forward?
Lessons learned from the pandemic are voluminous. We learned to move forward despite the pandemic. We learned just how our life can be altered when businesses and schools are impacted, in addition to a lack of healthcare and the suspension of everyday luxuries. Learning to adapt to a new normal that may feel the same, but is not the same. As a policy maker the instability of our State and family budgets, a workforce crisis, business losses and lack of in-school studies had on our residents. Our priorities shifted towards affordability, the importance of healthcare, work loss and the need for quality education. Highlighting improvements needed for our infrastructure, our technology, which needs over hauling, and our businesses need help and resources to get up and running. Our economy needs strengthening to keep our communities moving forward. As a legislator I learned just how strong New Jerseyans are in times of crisis and can come together to help each other.
What was the make and model of the vehicle in which you learned how to drive? Also, what was the first (new or used) vehicle you owned?
The car I learned to drive in was my dad’s Cadillac Town Car – a huge car. My very first car I owned was a 1968 red Mustang with a black strip when I was a senior in high school.
Assemblywoman Murphy’s Bio:
Democrat representing Legislative District 7
Counties: Burlington
Municipalities: Beverly, Bordentown, Bordentown Township, Burlington, Burlington Township, Cinnaminson, Delanco, Delran, Edgewater Park, Fieldsboro, Florence, Moorestown, Mount Laurel, Palmyra, Riverside, Riverton, Willingboro
Camden County College
Institute for Paralegal Studies, Paralegal Certificate
Purdue University (Arts and Sciences)
Public or Party Service:
Office of Assemblywoman Gabriela M. Mosquera, Director of Policy 2012-17
Office of Senator Linda Greenstein, Chief of Staff 2011
New Jersey Schools Development Authority, Community Relations Manager 2006-11; Communications Officer 2003-06
Legislative Service:
General Assembly, 2018-present
Majority Whip, 2022-present
Deputy Majority Leader, 2020-2021
Judiciary, Vice-Chair
Financial Institutions and Insurance

Assemblywoman Marilyn Piperno 11th Legislative District
What inspired you to run for office and become a legislator?
For me, it was quite organic. As my children entered school it was a natural transition, as a parent, to get more involved in civic organizations. I wouldn’t classify this advocacy and action as political because the motivation was purely for the safety of my children and family, but it certainly started me down that path.
As the effects of the state’s school funding cuts impacted my children and our friends, family, and neighbors, it motivated me to learn more, ask common-sense questions, and begin holding people accountable.
The 2021 election year offered an opportunity to join a grassroots effort to unseat stale incumbents with voting records that were in direct opposition to our children’s needs. I was happy to throw my hat in the ring and try to make a difference.
What is your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment as a legislator? If you could change one thing in Trenton, what would it be?
As a freshman legislator with two real months of work; I’m not quite able to express a beaming accomplishment or belabor the frustration of disappointment just yet.
What I can say in my limited time, is the genuine need to revisit just about all areas of over-regulation and bureaucracy that are strangling businesses and restricting real growth.
If our representatives could agree to work together to reduce costs for businesses and families and make NJ affordable, that would be a great start.
What are the legislative priorities, issues or areas of concern on which you would like to focus your attention?
I hope to see a real effort and commitment from both parties to put our constituents and New Jersey first as opposed to following strict party-line agendas.
Writing legislation that recognizes fiscal responsibility and supports businesses and taxpayers will be a primary focus. And an improved school funding formula should be a priority for all in the State House. The effects of the growing renewable energy sector and Governor Murphy’s Energy Master Plan need to be examined for their impact on businesses and families.
Coming out of the pandemic, what are the lessons you’ve learned and how do you think those lessons should guide public policy makers going forward?
We need to amend the Governor’s Executive Order privileges and return the legislature to an equal branch of government.
What was the make and model of the vehicle in which you learned how to drive? Also, what was the first (new or used) vehicle you owned?
I was entering my senior year of college and needed a car. I worked all summer and saved about $1,300. Hyundai was brand new, and my college boyfriend drove one so … it made it an affordable comfortable first car purchase.
Mind you – a stick shift with NO air conditioning! I literally bought and drove it out the showroom, with a lot of help from my dad.
Assemblywoman Piperno’s Bio:
Republican representing Legislative District 11
Counties: Monmouth
Municipalities: Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Colts Neck, Deal, Eatontown, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Long Branch, Neptune, Neptune Township, Ocean Township (Monmouth), Red Bank, Shrewsbury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Tinton Falls, West Long Branch
B.A. Pace University (Literature/Communications)
Fitness/Wellness Instructor, The Atlantic Club
Legislative Service:
General Assembly 2022-present
Commerce and Economic Development
Human Services
Special Committee on Infrastructure and Natural Resources